Mass Effect

Massachusetts was one of the nicer northern states. We finally got abundant rain to get the water sources flowing, and the trail was not as technical as previous states.

The first highlight was a blueberry farm where hikers are encouraged to pick a bucket of berries in exchange for dinner. We arrived too late to do this, but we did meet up with my friend Will who brought abundant food, beer and supplies. We spent the night in bunks in their barn, which appeared to be a converted hangar. Maybe this farm used to be an airstrip?

Around this time we began to notice the wild berries were severely wilted, presumably from the summer drought. It was good while it lasted.
The rest of Massachusetts was relatively pleasant. There was rain and wet rocks, but none of the steep cliffs of Connecticut.

Our party was waylaid by an ice cream shop, Diane's Twist in Cheshire, MA. The only things that can stop us are banjos and ice cream. We spent the night at Father Tom's campsite across the street.

The next morning Strider was feeling ill, so I hiked over Mount Greylock while she and Pickup road walked around it. This was the nicest part of Massachusetts, even though it was wet and overcast. The forest was beautiful.

We ended the day a stone's throw from the Vermont state line, just north of Adams, MA. We would soon learn the true meaning of mud.