Dreamwalkers and Bones

On the way out of Whitley Gap shelter on April 4, a couple of ideas jumped out at me.
I had heard of a phenomenon at least twice in the week. I don't know if there's a term for it, for now I'll call it dreamwalking.
A dreamwalker is someone who knows of a person close to them who had a dream of walking the trail but passed away before they could realize it. The dreamwalker walks the trail with the memory and the dream beside them.
I've had hiking partners come and go, but that dream never leaves your side.

My trail name also found me on that walk. You can call me Bones out here.
There's a story to it, but more like several stories woven together. Some of it is in these logs. The more important question is: how did I know this was my name?
It came to me with abundant joy, at a time when I needed it.

Whitley Gap shelter is known to be one of the least used shelters on the trail. Probably because the approach trail is about 0.5mi. long, making your days that much longer just getting in and out.
But I got the best photo of the trip so far on the way in, and my name found me on the way out, so I put it at the top of my list.