Big Ears 2024

This year's Big Ears festival in Knoxville did not disappoint. I got to see a combination of acts I've seen before, acts I'd heard of but never seen, and I even opened my ears wide enough for surprises.

The theme of the festival is bringing together old and new faces of avant-garde and experimental music. They do a great job of mixing up the spectrum of art and entertainment.
Fred Frith was a highlight. He's the old guard of experimental music, an influencer on many of the other acts I wanted to see at the festival. I caught all three of his performances. One of the most Big Ears things ever seen at Big Ears.

Laurie Anderson is another old guard I was less familiar with. I would say her show was the all around best of the festival. Also very Big Ears.
I got around to some of my old favorites, such as Secret Chiefs 3, Faun Fables, and Sleepytime Gorilla Museum.

I was introduced to some bands previously unfamiliar to me, including Son Rompe Pera, Titans to Tachyons, and Laugh Ash.

Festival time was a great transition to a hiking trip. Lots of walking. Much more to come.